Blogs and News

Ohnward Wealth and Retirement
107 E Quarry Street
Maquoketa, Iowa 52060
P: 563-652-2491
F: 563-652-2495

“You Wouldn’t Be Human If You Didn’t Fear Loss”

March 7, 2022 Greetings Investor! I often hear folks say, “I’m Losing Money” when the stock market goes down. A friendly reminder:  you only lose money if you cash out or move to a more conservative holding during a market correction.   Your number of SHARES is...

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Tax Free is KING!

(January 2022) Paying tax on pennies now to have tax free DOLLARS in retirement…. Make the sacrifice it’s worth it. I’m looking at 2021 S&P 500 return at 28.68% and thinking about the year-end statement folks will open this month.  Did your account grow more...

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“F.I.R.E. – Financial Independence Retire Early”

(July 2021)  -Kerry Schepers, ChFC     -Amber Knickrehm Financial Advisor  -Ohnward Interns:  Ethan Orr and Nicholas Ehlinger   There is a new wave of thinking…and our young people, age 30 and younger, are driving it.  They post how they want to live the life...

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Remembering Tiger King vs The March Stock Market Crash

-by Kerry Schepers, ChFC CHARTERED FINANCIAL CONSULTANT   Did you already forget the March 2020 Stock Market Crash?  I know you remember binge watching the Tiger King…and with that said most people remember bad markets for years.  Even though your year-end...

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How to Handle Market Declines

-by Kerry Schepers, ChFC (Chartered Financial Consultant) By now you should have opened your retirement year end statements.  If you only have a 401K, and your statements are electronic, NOW IS THE TIME to figure out how to log in and look at it. As you review your...

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Markets are coming back, do you need to make a change?

We are watching stock market come backs, and it reminds me of a statement I just read, “We can stay down or Rebound!” Is the stock market coming back too fast?  Is something in the shadows we should watch for? We won’t predict the stock market, however you can gain...

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Ohnward Wealth and Retirement